How to say “out of”: Italian grammar lesson 102

Key Takeaways

Dive into the versatile world of the Italian preposition da! This guide will teach you how to seamlessly blend it with definite articles to express locations, reasons, and emotions in Italian like a native speaker. 🇮🇹

  • Master the Basics: Get the hang of da by combining it with articles to form phrases like dal for masculine singular nouns, or dalla for feminine singular nouns. It’s the ABC of Italian preps!
  • Location, Location, Location: Saying “I’m heading to grandma’s” in Italian is a breeze. Just say “Vado dalla nonna” and you’re all set. It’s all about the right combo of preposition and article!
  • Feeling the Feels: Express emotions with ease. “I cried out of anger” becomes “Ho pianto dalla rabbia”. It’s like painting with words, but your palette is Italian prepositions!
  • More Than One Way: While da is great for feelings, don’t forget other prepositions like per or a causa di for other causes. It’s like choosing the right spice for your pasta!
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Try using da in everyday situations. Next time you’re shivering, say “Tremo dal freddo” and feel the Italian vibes. 🧣

My Thoughts

How to use the preposition da in Italian?

The preposition da becomes a preposizione articolata when is followed by a noun and a definite article. It joins into the article becoming one word.

For the construction we will learn today, you must know these perfectly, so let’s review them:

  • da + il = dal
    This is used with masculine singular nouns.

Vado dal dottore.

I go to the doctor.

  • da + la = dalla
    Dalla is used with feminine singular nouns.

Vado dalla nonna.

I go to grandma’s place.

  • da + i = dai
    This is used with masculine plural nouns that start with a consonant.

Vado dai miei nonni.

I go to my grandparents’ place.

  • da + gli = dagli
    This is used with masculine plural nouns that start with a vowel or with “z”.

Vado dagli zii.

I go to my uncles’.

  • da + le = dalle
    Dalle is used with feminine plural nouns.

Vado dalle zie.

I go to my aunts’.

How to say out of in Italian?

Once you know all the forms you will be using, let’s see how to say out of or because of in Italian.

Here are some examples:

Mi sono addormentata dalla noia.

I fell asleep out of boredom.

Sto morendo dal caldo.

I am really hot. (Lit. I am dying because of the heat.)

As you can see in the examples above, in Italian, we can explain the cause of something simply by using the preposition da and its derivates followed by a noun.

Trema dal freddo.

She is shivering out of the cold.

Ho pianto dalla rabbia.

I cried out of anger.

Are there other ways of saying out of in Italian?

Of course, there are other ways of expressing the cause of something in Italian. So how do we know when to use the structure da+noun?

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As you can see from the examples, this structure is mostly used with feelings and emotions that directly affect someone, like:

Sono quasi svenuta dalla paura.

I almost fainted because of the fright.

Si sta addormentando in piedi dalla stanchezza.

He’s falling asleep standing out of tiredness (because he’s really tired).

In other cases, to express a cause, we can use other prepositions like per (for), per via di (due to), a causa di (because of), etc.

Sono triste per la sconfitta.

I am sad because of the defeat.

Non siamo andati per via della pioggia.

We did not go due to the rain.

Mi si è bloccato il telefono a causa del freddo.

My phone got stuck because of the cold.

How do you use the preposition "da" in Italian?

The preposition "da" in Italian is a crucial connector between nouns and has multiple translations in English, including from and by. It plays a significant role in Italian phrases that express time in a complex manner and is also an essential component of many commonly used expressions.

What is the difference between "da" and "per" in Italian?

"Da" is often translated to English as from, since, or for. It can indicate the origin of something or it can also indicate the starting point of a journey or an action. "Da" can also be used to convey the duration of a certain action or state. On the other hand, "per" is typically translated as for. It can be used to express the purpose of an action, or it can also indicate a duration of time, as in. Additionally, "per" can be used in a causal sense, implying that something happened because of something else.

Italian word of the day
Hai ancora voglia di scherzare?
Do you still feel like joking?
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