How to use “apposta”: Italian grammar lesson 53

Key Takeaways

Dive into the versatile Italian word apposta and master its use! Whether it’s doing something on purpose or for a special reason, this guide has got you covered with practical examples and nifty phrases. 🇮🇹✨

  • On Purpose: Use apposta after a verb to imply intentionality. Remember, if someone’s being sneaky or deliberate with their actions, apposta is your go-to word!
  • Especially For: When you’ve gone out of your way for something, apposta shines. It’s perfect for those moments when you’ve brought or done something with a specific purpose in mind.
  • Verb Buddy: Pair apposta with fare (to do) to create the phrase fare qualcosa apposta. It’s a dynamic duo for conveying deliberate actions!
  • Special Occasions: Got a reason to tidy up or prepare? Use apposta to highlight that you’ve made an effort for a particular event or person. It’s all about the extra mile!
  • Custom-Made: When something is fatto apposta (made purposely), it’s tailored for a specific use. It’s like saying, “This is the perfect tool for the job!”
  • Surprising Coincidences: Stumble upon an unexpected situation? Neanche a farlo apposta… is your phrase for “What are the odds?!” or “Talk about serendipity!”

My Thoughts

What does apposta mean in Italian?

If you want to learn what the Italian word apposta means and how to use it correctly, keep on reading.

Firstly, let’s see some examples:

Scusa, non l’ho fatto apposta.

I am sorry, I did not do it on purpose.

Siamo venuti apposta per raccontartelo.

We came here especially to tell you.

Oggi voglio andare a nuotare. Mi sono portata il costume apposta.

I want to go swimming today. I brought my suit specially for that.

Sono sicura che Giovanni mi ha dato il numero sbagliato apposta.

I am sure that Giovanni gave me the wrong number on purpose.

How to use apposta as on purpose?

You can use apposta as you would use on purpose in English.

In this case, it goes after the verb, which means it goes after the action done on purpose.

It is often used with the verb fare (to do):  fare qualcosa apposta (do something on purpose).

Have a look at some examples:

L’hai fatto apposta?

Have you done it on purpose?

Greta e Luca hanno fatto apposta ad arrivare tardi.

Greta and Luca arrived late on purpose.

How to use apposta as especially?

As we just saw, apposta can also be used to express the concept of doing something especially or expressly for something.

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Have a look at the examples below:

-Posso usarlo?
-Certo, l’ho portato apposta.

-Can I use it?
-Of course, that’s why I brought it. (I brought it specially for that.)

Franco ha rimesso tutto in ordine apposta per quest’occasione.

Franco tidied everything up specially for this occasion.

Apposta can also be used in other expressions, for example:

  • Essere fatto apposta per (To be purposely made for)

-Posso usarlo per pulire?
-Certo, è fatto apposta!

-Can I use this to clean?
-Of course, that’s what it’s made for.

  • Neanche a farlo apposta… means that something happens by coincidence and that the chances it would happen, even if it was planned, are low. It is often used as an exclamation of surprise.

Sei qui anche tu? Neanche a farlo apposta…

Are you here too? What a coincidence!

Learn more about the Italian word intanto.

How to use "apposta" as on purpose?

By putting it after the verb, which means it goes after the action done on purpose. It is often used with the verb fare.

When to use "apposta" as especially?

For expressing the concept of doing something especially or expressly for something.

Italian word of the day
Hai ancora voglia di scherzare?
Do you still feel like joking?
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