How to say “according to”: Italian grammar lesson 202

Key Takeaways

Unlock the secrets of expressing opinions and referencing facts in Italian like a pro! Dive into the nuances of using secondo and in base a to sound like a native when discussing ideas and supporting your arguments.

  • Master Secondo: Learn to channel your inner Italian by quoting others’ views or stating your own with this versatile word. Whether it’s Paolo’s thoughts or your own, secondo has got your back!
  • Opinions Matter: Got a hot take? Say it with confidence using secondo me. It’s the Italian way to say, “In my opinion,” and it’s your ticket to sounding like a local.
  • Get Factual with In base a: When you need to back your claims with solid evidence, this phrase is your go-to. It’s like saying “based on” but with that Italian flair that makes your argument irresistible.
  • Flexibility is Key: Whether it’s emotions from a book or cold, hard science, in base a molds to your context. Use it to align your reasoning with anything from feelings to facts.
  • Agreement Savvy: Negotiating a deal? Discussing terms? In base agli accordi is your phrase to clarify that you’re talking terms and conditions. It’s business-speak with an Italian twist.
  • Instructions Included: When you’re following guidelines or instructions, in base alle loro indicazioni shows you’re not just making stuff up. You’re acting on solid advice, Italian-style.

My Thoughts

What do secondo and in base a mean in Italian?

In today’s post, you’re going to learn how to reference someone else’s words and how to use facts and ideas to develop what you’re saying.

In English we can say:

  • According to (According to our records you owe $50)
  • Based on (The film is based on a true story)
  • In (someone)’s opinion (That’s great in our opinion)

In Italian, we have the following two options:

  • Secondo (According to)
  • In base a (Based on)

These two phrases are very useful when we want to give opinions or facts to support our ideas.

They are very common in academic writing, such as essays, and in scientific articles.

How to use secondo?

We use secondo when we want to give someone’s opinion or when we want to reference someone.

We also use secondo when we want to refer to an idea.

As you can see, we can use secondo in several ways:

  • secondo + noun (Secondo Paolo)
  • secondo+ pronoun (Secondo me)
  • secondo + sentence (Secondo quello che si dice)

Here are some examples:

Secondo la dottoressa, non dovresti uscire.

According to the doctor, you shouldn’t go out.

Secondo me, hai sbagliato.

In my opinion, you did the wrong thing.

Secondo i critici è un film bellissimo.

According to critics, the movie is beautiful.

Secondo Dante, Virgilio dopo la morte è finito nel Limbo.

According to Dante, Virgil ended up in the Limbo after his death.

Secondo quello che dicono gli scienziati, bisogna fare attenzione.

According to what the scientists say, we need to be careful.

How to use in base a?

The structure of in base a is similar to the one for secondo.

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However, since we usually say something is based on ideas or things rather than people, using a pronoun after in base a is less common.

Also, we can say in base al, alla, all’, allo, ai, alle, and agli depending on what we’re referring to.

Let’s have a look at some examples:

Abbiamo preso una decisione in base a certi criteri.

We took a decision based on certain criteria.

Il prezzo dei biglietti allo stadio varia in base al settore.

The ticket’s price to go to the stadium changes based on the section.

Ho scelto questo libro in base alle emozioni che mi trasmetteva.

I chose this book based on the emotions it conveyed.

In base agli accordi, guadagnerà 2.000 euro al mese.

Base on the agreement, he’ll earn 2,000 euros per month.

In base alle loro indicazioni, aspetteremo fino a domani.

Based on their instructions, we’ll wait until tomorrow.

What do "secondo" and "in base a" mean?

They are used to give opinions or facts to support our ideas. In English they can be translated as according to, based on, or in someone's opinion.

How to use "secondo"?

We use it when we want to give someone’s opinion or when we want to reference someone. It can be followed by noun, pronoun, or sentence.

How to use in "base a"?

We use it when something is based on ideas or things rather than people.

Italian word of the day
Hai ancora voglia di scherzare?
Do you still feel like joking?
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