How to use “secondo me”: Italian grammar lesson 141


Unlock the Italian secret to sharing your thoughts with “secondo me”! Dive into the art of expressing opinions in Italian, from casual chats to formal debates. Master this versatile phrase and sound like a native in no time!

  • Get Personal: Swap out io and tu for me and te when sharing your views. Say secondo me for “in my opinion” and secondo te for “what do you think?” 😉
  • Group Think: When it’s a collective perspective, use secondo noi. It’s like saying “our two cents” but in Italian style!
  • He Said, She Said: Gossip Italian-style with secondo lui or secondo lei. It’s the perfect way to dish on what he or she believes without missing a beat.
  • They’re Judging: When you need to convey the consensus of the crowd, drop a secondo loro. It’s like saying “word on the street is…” but with more Italian flair!
  • Play by the Rules: Use secondo with nouns to lay down the law, Italian-style. Secondo il codice stradale means “according to traffic laws” – no room for interpretation here!

My thoughts

What does secondo me mean in Italian?

When you want to express your own opinion and thoughts or convey those of others, in English, you can use the expression: in my opinion, according to someone, or someone thinks.

To say this in Italian, we can use just one word: secondo combined with a personal pronoun.

Yes, this is the same word as the one for second, both as a unit of time and as an ordinal number, but its meaning is completely different!

Let’s have a look at some examples:

Secondo me dovresti scrivergli.

In my opinion, you should write to him. Or I think you should write to him.

Secondo loro ho dormito da te ieri.

They think I slept at yours last night.

Questo è troppo costoso secondo lei.

According to her, this is too expensive.

How to use secondo me and secondo te?

This expression is very easy to use, and you will hear it in all kinds of contexts. To get it right, there are just a couple of things to remember:

  • For the first and second-person singular, we do not use io and tu but we use me and te: secondo me (in my opinion), secondo te (in your opinion).
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These forms are mainly used to express your own opinion or ask for an opinion in an informal setting. In English, they can often be translated as I think or you think.

Lui che lavoro fa secondo te?

What do you think he does for a living?

Secondo me questa torta è troppo dolce, non mi piace.

In my opinion, this cake is too sweet; I do not like it.

Secondo te ho sbagliato a licenziarmi?

Do you think leaving my job was a mistake?

How to use secondo lei and secondo noi?

With all the other forms, we use the simple personal pronoun after secondo:

  • secondo lei or lui

Secondo lei stavo meglio con i capelli lunghi.

In her opinion, I looked better with long hair.

  • secondo noi

No, secondo noi non dovresti andare.

No, in our opinion you should not go.

  • secondo voi

Sono confuso. Cosa dovrei fare secondo voi?

What do you think I should do?

  • secondo loro

Secondo loro siamo stati maleducati e dovremmo chiedere scusa.

According to them, we were rude and should say sorry.

How to use secondo as according to?

Secondo is not just used in combination with personal pronouns to express and ask for opinions. It can also be used in combination with nouns to mean according to.

Remember to use the noun with its corresponding article.

Have a look at the examples below:

Secondo le previsioni, stasera pioverà.

According to the weather forecasts, it will rain tonight.

Dovresti guidare secondo il codice stradale.

You should drive according to traffic laws.

Secondo gli esperti della nutrizione, mangiare carne fa male alla salute.

According to nutrition experts, eating meat is bad for your health.

What does "secondo me" mean?

In English it means in my opinion, according to someone, or someone thinks.  It is used for expressing your own opinion and thoughts or convey those of others.

How to use "secondo me" with personal pronouns?

For the first and second-person singular we use "secondo me" and "secondo te" and with all the other forms, we use the simple personal pronoun after "secondo".

How to use "secondo" with nouns?

In combination with nouns it means according to.

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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