How to say “one’s own”: Italian grammar lesson 199

Key Takeaways

Unlock the secrets of using “proprio” in Italian like a native! This guide will teach you to express ownership with flair, and show you the versatile uses of this essential word in various contexts. 🇮🇹✨

  • Gender and Number Agreement: Remember, proprio changes to propria, propri, or proprie to match the gender and number of what it describes. Get this right, and you’ll sound super Italian! 🔄
  • Replacing Possessives: Use proprio to replace suo, sua, suoi, sue (his/her) or loro (their) for a clearer reference, adding that “own” emphasis just like in English. 👌
  • Impersonal Constructions: When it’s about general statements, proprio is your go-to for “one’s own”. It adds that personal touch to impersonal constructions. 💡
  • Article Usage: Usually, proprio cozies up with an article unless it’s post-noun. Keep them together, and you’ll keep your Italian tight and right. 📚
  • More Than Possession: Proprio isn’t a one-trick pony—it can mean “really”, “just”, or “exactly” as an adverb, or “at all” for that negative punch. Versatility for the win! 🎉

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“One’s own” in Italian: proprio

To say one’s own in Italian we use the word proprio. This word changes its ending depending on the gender and number of what it is describing.

It can therefore become proprio, propria, propri, or proprie. Have a look at the examples below.

Ognuno ha i propri problemi.

Everyone has their own problems.

Sandra ha lavato la propria macchina ieri.

Sandra washed her own car yesterday.

How and when to use proprio?

Proprio can be used in the third person singular to replace the possessive adjective suo, sua, suoi, sue (his or her) or in the third person plural to replace the possessive adjective loro (their).

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In this case, we can use both versions and the difference in meaning is null or very slight: proprio might make the sentence clearer as to whom we are referring to (like adding “own” in English).

Mario ama il proprio lavoro. – Mario ama il suo lavoro.

Mario loves his own job.

Rimetti i libri al proprio posto. – Rimetti i libri al loro posto.

Put the books back in their (own) place.

However, proprio must be used as a possessive adjective with impersonal constructions. In this case, it means one’s own.

Si sta sempre bene a casa propria.

One always feels good at one’s own

È importante ricordarsi delle proprie radici.

It is important to remember one’s own roots.

Bisogna sempre dare la priorità al proprio benessere.

One must always prioritize one’s own well-being.

As you have probably noticed, the word proprio is almost always preceded by an article, unless it comes after the noun it describes.

A casa propria.

At one’s own home.

Di produzione propria.

Of one’s own production.

What are other meanings of proprio?

The word proprio, this time only in the masculine singular form, also has different meanings in Italian and can be used in a lot of different contexts.

It can be an adverb meaning really, just or exactly, depending on the context:

Questo caffè è proprio buono.

This coffee is really good.

Ho finito proprio adesso.

I just finished now.

Questo è proprio ciò che cercavo.

This is exactly what I was looking for.

It can be a negative intensifier meaning at all:

Questa birra non mi piace proprio.

I don’t like this beer at all.

Oggi non voglio proprio uscire.

Today I don’t want to go out at all.

How do you say his own in Italian?

"Proprio" is a term used to indicate possession, similar to the English word own. It is typically used before a noun to indicate that the object is owned by a specific person or group, for example, my own, your own, his own, her own, our own, or their own.

How do you use "proprio" in a sentence?

"Proprio" is an Italian possessive adjective that can be used in place of "suo", "sua", "suoi", "sue" (his or her) or "loro" (their). As an example, the sentence "Mattia ama il proprio cane" translates to "Mattia loves his own dog".

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