The Italian verb “fare”

Key Takeaways

Dive into the multifaceted Italian verb “fare”! This guide breaks down its meanings, tenses, and everyday uses, ensuring you nail it in any conversation. Master “fare” and sound like a true Italian! 🇮🇹👌

  • Conjugation is key: “Fare” is irregular, so memorize its forms like “io faccio” (I do) to avoid sounding like a newbie. 📘
  • Present Tense Power: Use “faccio” and friends for current actions. Say “Io faccio la spesa” to share you’re shopping, not just “I shop”. 🛒
  • Past Tense Pro: Mastered “ho fatto” (I did)? Use it for completed actions. “Facevo” works for the good old days when you “used to do” something. 🕰️
  • Future Tense Finesse: Drop a “farò” (I will do) to chat about your plans. It shows you’re thinking ahead and not stuck in the present. 🚀
  • Everyday Expressions: “Fare” pops up everywhere! “Fare il biglietto” isn’t about making tickets; it’s buying them. Know these to avoid awkward moments. 🎟️
  • Well-being Wisdom: “Fare bene” is your go-to for positive actions. Say “Fare attività fisica fa bene” to sound health-savvy. 💪
  • Avoiding the Negative: “Fare male” isn’t just about pain; it’s about harm. Use it to show you care about consequences, like “Fumare fa male”. 🚭

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Understanding the Verb “Fare”

The Italian language is known for its rich and versatile verbs, and one such verb is “fare.”

The verb “fare” encompasses various meanings such as “to do,” “to make,” “to act (like),” “to perform,” and “to create”.

 It is crucial to grasp these definitions to use “fare” appropriately in different contexts.

Fare” is an irregular verb and does not follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern. Therefore, it requires specific attention to its conjugation.

Conjugating “Fare” in Different Tenses:

Present Tense

Presente Present tense
io faccio I do
tu fai you do
egli fa he/she does
noi facciamo we do
voi fate you do
essi fanno they do

The present tense is used to describe ongoing actions in the present and to inquire about someone’s activities or jobs.

Io faccio la spesa al supermercato.

I do the grocery shopping at the supermarket.

Past Tenses

– Passato Prossimo (Present Perfect):

Passato prossimo Present perfect tense
io ho fatto I did/I have done
tu hai fatto you did/have done
egli ha fatto he/she did/have done
noi abbiamo fatto we did/have done
voi avete fatto you did/have done
essi hanno fatto they did/have done

The passato prossimo is used to discuss completed actions in the past.

Ho fatto una torta ieri.

I made the cake yesterday.

– Imperfetto (Imperfect):

Imperfetto Imperfect
io facevo I did/used to do
tu facevi you did/used to do
egli faceva he/she did/used to do
noi facevamo we did/used to do
voi facevate you did/used to do
essi facevano they did/used to do

The imperfetto is used to describe habitual actions or ongoing actions in the past.

Quando era giovane, Luca faceva lunghe passeggiate ogni giorno.

When he was young, Luca used to take long walks every day.

Future Tense

Futuro semplice Future Simple
io farò I will do
tu farai you will do
egli farà he/she will do
noi faremo we will do
voi farete you will do
essi faranno they will do

The future conjugation of the verb “fare” in Italian is used to express actions or events that will occur in the future.

The future tense allows us to discuss actions that are yet to happen.

Farò una passeggiata domani

I will take a walk tomorrow.

Using Fare in Everyday Expressions

Profession and Leisure Time: “Fare” is commonly employed to discuss one’s profession, leisure activities, and interests.

Faccio l’avvocato.

I am a lawyer.

Durante il mio tempo libero, faccio yoga per rilassarmi.

During my leisure time, I do yoga to relax.

Idiomatic Expressions: “Fare” is extensively used in Italian idiomatic expressions, which do not translate directly to English. Some examples include:

Fare il biglietto

To purchase a ticket.

Fare una domanda.

To ask a question.

Fare amicizia.

To make friends.

Check all the other meanings of fare in this post.

Fare bene/male: When and How to Use Them

Fare Bene

In Italian, the expression “fare bene” is commonly used and carries the meaning of doing something good or right.

The expression “fare bene” conveys the idea of doing something that is beneficial, positive, or advantageous.

It can refer to actions that promote well-being, health, personal growth, or positive outcomes in general.

Here are some additional examples and contexts where “fare bene” is commonly used:


Fare attività fisica regolare fa bene al cuore e alle articolazioni.

Regular physical activity is good for the heart and joints.

Dormire a sufficienza fa bene al corpo e alla mente.

Getting enough sleep is good for the body and mind.


Comunicare in modo aperto e sincero fa bene alla relazione di coppia.

Communicating openly and honestly is good for a romantic relationship.

Fare piccoli gesti di gentilezza fa bene all’amicizia.

Doing small acts of kindness is good for friendship.

Personal Growth:

Leggere libri ed ampliare le conoscenze fa bene alla mente.

Reading books and expanding knowledge is good for the mind.

Imparare una nuova lingua fa bene allo sviluppo cognitivo.

Learning a new language is good for cognitive development.

General Well-being:

Coltivare hobby e passioni fa bene al senso di realizzazione personale.

Nurturing hobbies and passions is good for personal fulfillment.

Fare una pausa e rilassarsi fa bene al ridurre lo stress.

Taking a break and relaxing is good for reducing stress.

These examples illustrate how “fare bene” encompasses various aspects of life and emphasizes the positive impact of certain actions or behaviors.

By incorporating activities that “fare bene” into daily routines, individuals can strive for a better quality of life and overall well-being.

Fare Male

In Italian, the expression “fare male” is commonly used and has different meanings depending on the context.

The expression “fare male” is used to convey the idea of causing harm, pain, or negative effects.

Physical Pain or Discomfort: “Fare male” is often used to describe physical pain or discomfort in specific body parts or general sensations.

For example:

Mi fa male la testa.

I have a headache.

Gli occhi mi fanno male dopo aver guardato lo schermo per troppo tempo.

My eyes hurt after staring at the screen for too long.

Fare una lunga camminata può far male alle gambe.

Taking a long walk can make your legs ache.

Health Issues: “Fare male” can be used to indicate something that is detrimental to one’s health or has negative effects on the body.

Examples include:

Fumare fa male alla salute.

Smoking is bad for your health.

Mangiare troppi dolci può fare male ai denti.

Eating too many sweets can harm your teeth.

Bere alcolici in eccesso fa male al fegato.

Drinking excessive alcohol is harmful to the liver.

Negative Actions or Behavior: “Fare male” can also express the idea of acting in a harmful, negative, or morally wrong way.

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Here are some examples:

Ferire qualcuno con le parole fa male.

Hurting someone with words is harmful.

Rubare fa male alla società.

Stealing is harmful to society.

Diffondere notizie false può fare molto male alla reputazione di qualcuno.

Spreading false news can do a lot of harm to someone’s reputation.

Emotional Distress: In certain contexts, “fare male” can be used to express emotional distress or hurt.

For instance:

Mi fa male il cuore quando ti vedo soffrire.

It hurts my heart to see you suffer.

Le sue parole mi hanno fatto molto male.

His/her words have deeply hurt me.

Remember that fare bene and fare male are idiomatic expressions, and their usage extends beyond the literal translation of ” to do good”, “to do harm” or “to cause pain.”

It’s important to consider the context and intended meaning when using or interpreting this expression in Italian conversations.

Mastering the Italian Verb Fare

The Italian verb “fare” plays a vital role in expressing actions, creating idiomatic expressions, and describing past events.

By understanding its conjugation in the present, simple past, and future tenses, as well as its multiple meanings, learners can effectively communicate and comprehend Italian.

Embrace the versatility of “fare” and enhance your linguistic skills in Italian.

Buono studio!

What is the importance of the Italian verb "fare"?

"Fare" is a versatile verb that carries multiple meanings, such as "to do," "to make," "to perform," and "to cause." It is commonly used in various contexts, including daily conversations, expressing actions, describing activities, and discussing hobbies. Proficiency in using "fare" allows you to construct sentences accurately and express yourself fluently in Italian.

Are there any idiomatic expressions or common phrases with the verb "fare"?

The verb "fare" is frequently used in idiomatic expressions and common phrases in Italian. Here are a few examples: Fare una passeggiata (To take a walk) Fare una domanda (To ask a question) Fare una telefonata (To make a phone call) Fare una decisione (To make a decision)

How is the verb "fare" used in the context of weather expressions?

The verb "fare" is commonly used to describe weather conditions in Italian. For example: Fa caldo (It's hot) Fa freddo (It's cold) Fa bel tempo (The weather is nice) Fa brutto tempo (The weather is bad)

Italian word of the day
Hai ancora voglia di scherzare?
Do you still feel like joking?
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