The future – irregular verbs: Italian grammar lesson 57


Dive into the quirky world of Italian irregular future tense! Master verbs like essere and avere, and get the lowdown on those pesky spelling changes that’ll have you speaking like a native in no time. 🇮🇹✨

  • Irregular Conjugations: Some Italian verbs are rebels and don’t follow the rules. Memorize the future tense of essere (to be) and avere (to have) to avoid future faux pas. 🤓
  • Common Verbs: Get friendly with frequently used verbs like andare (to go) and fare (to do). Knowing their future tense forms is like having a golden key to Italian fluency. 🔑
  • Spelling Twists: Watch out for sneaky verbs ending in –ciare and –giare. They ditch the ‘i’ in the future tense. Remember this, and you’ll be dining out on your Italian skills! 🍝
  • Extra ‘H’: Verbs ending in –care and –gare throw an ‘h’ into the mix to keep things spicy. Embrace the ‘h’ and you’ll handle these verbs like a pro. 💪
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Use these irregular forms as much as you can. Slip them into conversations, write them down, or sing them in the shower – whatever it takes to make them stick. 🎶

My thoughts

What is the irregular future tense?

While in English the future tense is constructed by putting “will” or “shall” in front of the verb, in Italian the future tense is made by conjugating the verb (= changing the verb endings).

Although most Italian verbs follow a regular conjugation, some verbs have an irregular future tense and therefore do not follow predictable conjugation patterns and must be memorized.

Note: In Italian, we can also use the present tense to refer to events happening in the near future, if the time of the event is specified.

For example: Domani vado a scuola (= Tomorrow I will go to school). However, using the future tense to talk about future events is always acceptable, so if you use the future tense you can’t go wrong!

Let’s talk about the future tense of irregular verbs. There’s also a post about the future tense of regular verbs.

Irregular future tense: Essere and Avere

You might already know the Italian expression “che sarà, sarà” (=what will be, will be). In this expression sarà is simply the irregular conjugation of the verb essere (=to be) in the future tense.

Let’s take a look at the future tense conjugation for two of the most used verbs in Italian: essere (=to be) and avere (=to have):

Verb: Essere (= to be) Avere (=to have)
io Sarò Avrò
tu Sarai Avrai
lui/lei Sarà Avrà
noi Saremo Avremo
voi Sarete Avrete
loro Saranno Avranno

Learn more about Italian verb tenses.

Irregular future tense: frequently used verbs

The following table shows the future tense of some frequently used verbs. Learning them will be very useful.

Verb: Andare

(= to go)


(= to come)


(= to do)

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(=to say)


(= must)


(= can)

io andrò verrò faro dirò dovrò potrò
Tu andrai verrai farai dirai dovrai potrai
lui/lei andrà verrà farà dirà dovrà potrà
noi andremo verremo faremo diremo dovremo potremo
Voi andrete verrete farete direte dovrete potrete
loro andranno verranno faranno diranno dovranno potranno

Practice with Quizlet

Here's a set of flashcards and quizzes to practice this grammar topic.

Irregular future tense: Irregular spelling

There are some verbs that mostly follow a regular conjugation pattern, but their spelling is slightly irregular. Let’s take a look at some examples.

  • Verbs ending in –ciare and –giare (ex. cominciare, mangiare) drop the “i” before the verb ending:

Da domani non mangerò più carne, voglio diventare vegetarian.

Starting tomorrow, I will not eat meat anymore. I want to become a vegetarian.

Luca comincerà a lavorare lunedì prossimo.

Luca will start working next Monday.

  • Verbs ending in –care and –gare (ex. cercare, pagare) add an extra “h” before the verb ending:

Paolo e Francesca cercheranno un appartamento a Roma?

Paolo and Francesca will look for an apartment in Rome?

Se uso la carta di credito, pagherò il mese prossimo.

If I use my credit card, I’ll pay the next month.

How do you conjugate irregular verbs in future tense in Italian?

Overall, learning how to conjugate irregular verbs in the future tense in Italian requires memorizing the unique conjugation patterns of each irregular verb.

How many future tenses are there in Italian?

In Italian, there are two distinct tenses used to express the future. The Futuro semplice (Simple Future Tense) is used to describe an action that will take place in the future, while the Futuro anteriore (Future Perfect) is used to express an action that will have already taken place in the future.

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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