How to use “buono”, “bravo”, “bello”, “bene”: Italian grammar lesson 33


Unlock the secrets of Italian elegance with our guide! Learn to distinguish between “buono,” “bene,” “bravo,” and “bello” to express goodness and quality like a native speaker. Perfect your Italian adjectives and adverbs with ease!

  • Master “bene”: This invariable adverb of manner is your go-to for actions done well. Remember, “Lucia canta molto bene” means she’s killing it in the singing department! 😉
  • Decline “buono”: This shape-shifting adjective needs to match the noun’s gender and number. Use “buon” before masculine singular nouns for a smoother sound. “Questo divano è di buona qualità” just rolls off the tongue, right?
  • Appreciate “bravo”: Reserve this adjective for praising people’s skills or manners. Saying “Marta è una brava attrice” is like giving her a standing ovation for her acting chops!
  • Admire “bello”: It’s all about looks and aesthetics with this adjective. Whether it’s a “bella città” or a “bel film,” you’re giving a thumbs up to whatever pleases the eye. 🎨
  • Remember the opposites: Just as “bene” has its nemesis “male,” keep in mind the contrasts to avoid a faux pas. You wouldn’t want to mix up “buono” with “cattivo,” especially when talking about grandma’s pasta sauce! 🍝

My thoughts

How to say good and well in Italian?

Buono, bravo, bello and bene are very common Italian words.

They are relatively simple to understand, but their correct use can be somewhat confusing for Italian learners because they sound similar (and all start with the letter “b”!).

They can sometimes all be translated with the word good or well in English.

First of all, from a grammatical point of view, there is the first distinction: buono, bravo, and bello are adjectives (and their forms change according to the noun they are paired with or refer to), while bene is an adverb and its form is therefore invariable.

How to use bene?

Let’s start with bene. It is an adverb of manner and it’s always used with a verb.

Adverbs of manners describe how or in which way an action is performed or takes place.

  • Bene is used to indicate that the action is performed satisfactorily, properly, or correctly. The opposite of bene is male.

Let’s look at a few examples with bene:

Lucia canta molto bene.

Lucia sings very well.

Stai bene oggi?

Do you feel well today?

How to use buono? 

Buono is an adjective and always refers to a noun. It must be declined according to the noun’s grammatical gender and number.

It is declined as follows:

  Masculine Feminine
Singular buono / buon buona
Plural buoni buone

When buono immediately precedes a masculine singular noun, the contracted form buon is used instead.

  • When buono refers to people, it describes that someone is a good person, usually meaning they are nice, kind, friendly, or selfless.

Mio nonno è una persona molto buona.

My grandfather is a very nice person (= nice, of good soul, good heart).

  • When buono refers to objects, it usually describes goodness, quality, or flavor.

Le tagliatelle che cucina Luisa sono veramente buone.

The tagliatelle (a pasta dish) cooked by Luisa are really good (= tasty).

Questo divano è di buona qualità.

This sofa is of good quality.

Penso che “Titanic” sia un buon film.

I think that “Titanic” is a good movie (= good quality, done well).

How to use bravo?

Bravo is an adjective and always refers to a noun. It always refers to people or living beings, not objects.

It must be declined according to the noun’s grammatical gender and number.

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It is declined as follows:

  Masculine Feminine
Singular bravo brava
Plural bravi brave
  • Bravo  expresses a positive judgment about someone’s talent or skills.

Marta è una brava attrice.

Marta is a good actress (= talented).

Filippo è bravo in matematica.

Filippo is good at math.

  • Bravo can also mean that someone is polite and behaves properly (has good manners).

Luca è un bravo ragazzo.

Luca is a nice guy (= he is polite and behaves properly, and has good manners).

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How to use bello?

Bello (beautiful) is an adjective and always refers to a noun. It must be declined according to the noun’s grammatical gender and number.

It is declined as follows:

  Masculine Feminine
Singular bello / bel / bell’ bella
Plural belli belle

When bello immediately precedes a masculine singular noun, the contracted form bel or bell’ (for nouns starting with vowels) is used instead.

  • When bello refers to people, it describes someone handsome or beautiful.

Valentino è un bell’uomo.

Valentino is a handsome man.

  • When bello refers to objects, it usually expresses a positive judgment on their aspect and aesthetics.

Venezia è una bella città.

Venezia is a beautiful city.

Penso che “Titanic” sia un bel film.

I think that “Titanic” is a beautiful movie (= enjoyable, pleasant to watch).

When should I use "buono" in Italian?

Use "buono" in Italian to describe the quality, taste, or moral goodness of something, such as food or a person's character. For example: Questa pizza è buona (This pizza is good) or È una persona buona (He/She is a good person).

How do I use "bravo" in Italian to describe someone's skills or abilities?

To use "bravo" in Italian, place it before the noun or pronoun it refers to and match the gender and number. "Bravo" describes a person's proficiency, competence, or talent in a specific activity. For example: È un bravo pianista (He/She is a good pianist) or I ragazzi sono bravi a calcio (The boys are good at soccer).

How do I use "bene" in Italian to describe actions or states of being?

Use "bene" as an adverb in Italian to describe actions or states of being performed well or in a satisfactory manner. It often follows the verb it modifies. For example: Lui parla italiano molto bene (He speaks Italian very well) or Spero che stai bene (I hope you are well).

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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4 Responses

  1. “Buono” means “good as in “not evil”. “Bravo” could also mean “well behaved” or “able, skilled at something”.

  2. Caio Stefano,
    The baby is well behaved. Per che la riposta e “il bambino e buono”; Bravo/a refers to people so why not “il bambino e bravo”??? Can both be correct? Grazie!

  3. “Questo divano è di buona qualità.” Why is it “buona” and not “buono” since it is describing “divano” (masculine, no?)

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