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LingQ Italian LingQ is a language-learning platform designed to teach Italian mainly through reading and listening material. On LingQ, you can access a broad set of readings about many different...
What makes a good method of learning a language? To me, a study method is good if it delivers results. Typically, people want to learn Italian to communicate. Thus, progress...
How many words do you need to speak Italian? Should you memorize thousands of words before speaking with someone? No! Here's why.
“Italiano Automatico” Italian The platform “Italiano Automatico” provides a comprehensive range of resources to help learners improve their Italian speaking and comprehension skills. It offers a range of materials, such...
Speechling Italian Speechling is an educational non-profit with headquarters in California, USA. Their mission is to make language study available to everyone in the world, regardless of financial situation. Speechling...
Discover the ultimate Italian learning alternative! Unveil the power of Mondly’s immersive approach for enhanced spoken fluency. Mondly Italian Mondly is a language-learning app developed by Alex and Tudor Iliescu...
Discover the ultimate Yabla Italian alternative that excels in improving speaking skills. Elevate your language journey with enhanced results. Yabla Italian Yabla is a platform designed to teach languages through...
Discover a seamless way to enhance Italian speaking skills with our user-friendly news alternative. Elevate your language fluency effortlessly! Easy Italian News Easy Italian News is a platform for Italian...
Unlock fluent speaking with our superior Language Transfer alternative. Elevate your speech effortlessly. Say goodbye to traditional learning methods. Language Transfer Italian Language Transfer is a platform that offers audio...

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