Pimsleur Italian Alternative (Works Better for Real-Life Situations)

Key Takeaways

Ready to ditch the textbook vibes and actually talk like an Italian? Dive into this read to discover a dynamic Pimsleur alternative that’ll have you thinking and speaking Italian like a local in no time!

  • Skip the formalities: Pimsleur’s heavy on the formal “you” (lei), but let’s be real, we’re not all about that life. Look for a course that gets you chatty with peers, not just business partners.
  • Less English, più Italiano: Too much English in your Italian course? Nah. Find a program that immerses you in Italian from the get-go, so you’re not just translating in your head.
  • Real-life relevance: If Pimsleur’s scenarios feel like a snoozefest, switch to a course with content that mirrors your actual life. You’ll use it because you’ll need it!
  • Think in Italian: Ditch the translation game. Opt for a course that encourages you to think directly in Italian, so you can speak without the mental gymnastics.
  • Practice makes perfetto: Choose a program that offers tons of speaking practice. You want to be ready for a chat in Rome, not just a quiz in your living room.

My Thoughts

Discover a more effective way to master Italian for real-life scenarios. Say goodbye to outdated methods – embrace the Pimsleur Italian alternative!

Pimsleur Italian

Dr. Paul Pimsleur created the first language program in 1963 intending to create a complete language course that could teach someone without the need for a teacher.

Pimsleur courses are popular among language learners because they are simple to follow and can be taken at any time.

The language classes are primarily audio lessons and are designed to develop your listening and speaking abilities.

The lessons break down daily speech into digestible bits, and you practice listening to and repeating what Italian native speakers say.

The extra activities and games reinforce what you’ve learned in the main sessions. This will help you remember everything later.

What Is Wrong With Pimsleur

Using Pimsleur Italian also has some downsides. The context in use was unrelated to me.

If you’re a married businessman with kids who wants to go shopping and dine out, Pimsleur is the language course for you.

If you’re like everyone else, you’ll learn things that shouldn’t be prioritized in the beginning.

For example, I rarely use the formal “you” because I tend to socialize with people my age group, but, except for a brief mention in one unit, almost the entire course uses this formal “you”.

Then there’s the course’s extensive use of English. The majority of the audio is in English!

“Listen and repeat” is switched to the target language later in the course, but aside from that, you’re just following directions to translate stuff from English to Italian.

This mindset will always limit your progress and in this way is difficult to go beyond the beginner level and improve your language skills.

pimsleur italian alternative


Think in Italian vs. Pimsleur

Pimsleur’s method is scientifically sound and proven to work thanks to its focus on audio over text.

Its slow but steady pace of learning makes it ideal for total beginners. Too bad that the overly formal speech level in all lessons makes people sound like textbooks.

For a faster learning page and more real-life materials, Think in Italian library of audio lessons and readings is an excellent alternative or a supplement to Pimsleur.

Pimsleur Alternative for the Italian Language

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced speaker and you want to learn authentic spoken Italian I suggest the “Think in Italian” courses as a Pimsleur Italian alternative.

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The audio courses will lead you through the process of gradually exposing yourself to the language, allowing you to speak comfortably with native speakers in different real-life situations.

The innovation of this course is that instead of translating everything in your mind, you will be able to think and speak Italian naturally.

Rather than learning details in your language, this course immerses you right away and you will have plenty of opportunities to practice speaking without feeling overwhelmed.

So are you ready to speak like real Italian native speakers?

Find more about how these courses work here.

Italian word of the day
Vive da solo, senza amici né parenti. Poverino!
He lives alone, without friends nor relatives. Poor guy!
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One Response

  1. Thanks for sharing this alternative! I’ve been looking for a more practical Italian learning method, so I’ll definitely check this out.

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