Berlitz Italian alternative (works better for independent users)

Key Takeaways

Discover the ins and outs of mastering Italian with Berlitz, and why Ripeti con me! might just be the game-changer for independent learners hungry for real conversation skills.

  • Immerse Yourself: Dive headfirst into Italian with Berlitz’s immersive learning. Forget about your native language; it’s all Italian, all the time!
  • Set Clear Goals: With Berlitz, you’re not wandering aimlessly. Each lesson has a mission, so you’ll use Italian like a pro from day one.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Berlitz’s mantra? Present, practice, perform. You’ll learn, drill, and then show off your new skills in no time.
  • Need Flexibility?: If Berlitz’s schedule is tighter than your skinny jeans, Ripeti con me! offers the freedom you crave for Italian mastery.
  • Real Conversations Await: Ripeti con me! isn’t about rote learning; it’s about chatting up Italians with the confidence of a local pizzaiolo.
  • Consistency is Key: Just 30 minutes a day with Ripeti con me! and you’ll be sprouting Italian phrases like basil in a garden.
  • Make it a Habit: Ripeti con me! isn’t just a course, it’s your new espresso routine – essential and energizing.

My Thoughts

Berlitz Italian

To help learners use the language for everyday communication, Berlitz focuses on real-world interactions.

Less emphasis is placed on detailed grammatical explanations. Berlitz adopted the “direct approach,” which focuses on using language as a tool for interaction.

The core features of the Berlitz method are:

  • Immersive learning: All lessons are given in the student’s native tongue. Grammar and vocabulary are stressed while real-world events are used to present language.
  • Goal-focused: Each lesson is task-based with clearly defined goals. This makes it possible to adopt the new language in real-world contexts right away.
  • Present, practice and perform: To help absorb the new words, every lesson follows this layout. The instructor introduces new material, the learner interacts in both guided and unguided practice, and they are then challenged to put what they’ve learned into practice.

There are various approaches and levels available for learning Italian. You’ll find phrasebooks, dictionaries, and audio recordings among the extra resources.

What’s wrong with Berlitz

The Berlitz program may not be the most suitable choice for you if you want to learn Italian but your schedule prevents you from joining in offline or online lessons.

The Berlitz self-study program is in general a little bit outdated and seems to have a poor speech recognition function, a complicated user experience, and a vague tracking process.

berlitz italian alternative

Berlitz alternative for the Italian language

Berlitz Italian is a great program, but it’s not perfect. This is especially true for independent language learners who may want the best option for learning Italian independently.

With that in mind, we’d recommend checking out Ripeti con me!, an online Italian-learning program.

You will be guided by the course to gradually expose yourself to the language, helping you to converse freely with Italians.

You’ll be able to interact with people in actual discussions and feel comfortable doing it this way!

In just a few days, you’ll be able to understand how native Italian speakers interact.

In Ripeti con me! Everything has a defined timetable.

You will hear the exact words again in various situations so that you gradually grow accustomed to them, sometimes without even realizing it.

Free Guide
How to Learn Languages Fast

Learning a new language means developing a new routine.

By practicing just 30 minutes each day, you will be able to make daily improvements with the guidance of this course.

This course will also teach you how to incorporate this new habit into your everyday routine.

Read more about this course, and how to learn Italian if you’re an independent user here.

Is Berlitz a good way to learn a language?

Berlitz Italian is an excellent program, however it is not without limitations. This is especially true for independent language learners who prefer to learn Italian on their own.

Italian word of the day
Hai ancora voglia di scherzare?
Do you still feel like joking?
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