An Italian pills alternative (works better for your speaking skills)

Key Takeaways

Discover how Italian Pills offers a unique blend of cultural insights and grammar through short stories, but falls short in boosting conversational skills. Learn about an alternative method, Ripeti con me!, that promises to enhance your Italian fluency.

  • Italian Pills is great for learning vocabulary and grammar with its short stories, but don’t expect it to work miracles on your speaking abilities. 📚
  • For those hungry to chat like a local, Ripeti con me! on Think In Italian is the go-to for real talk practice. 🗣️
  • Get your ears ready! The audio lessons in Ripeti con me! are all about active listening and repeating, perfect for training your Italian tongue. 🔊
  • Embrace the pause! The space between hearing and speaking in the audio course is your golden ticket to better recall and pronunciation. ⏸️
  • Looking to level up from Italian Pills? Think In Italian offers courses that focus on active recall, helping you remember and use new words. 🧠
  • Curious about Ripeti con me!? Check out the Think In Italian website for a demo and see if it’s the right fit for your language journey. 🕵️‍♂️

My Thoughts

Italian Pills

Italian Pills is a platform for Italian learning developed by a native Italian speaker who is a polyglot and a certified Italian teacher.

The website offers plenty of resources: you can find blog posts with grammar and cultural insights, subscribe to a monthly newsletter where you get tips about how to build sentences in Italian, and you can also book face-to-face lessons with Serena, the founder of the website.

In this article, I am going to focus on the short story books, which are available on the website, and include real-life stories with readings, flashcards, and exercises at the end of each story.

What’s wrong with Italian Pills

The short stories available on Italian pills allow you to improve your Italian vocabulary and grammar with engaging stories about real-life situations.

The aim is to provide you with new Italian vocabulary and help you use the words you learn to create new sentences. However, the stories alone won’t improve your conversational Italian.

I believe that the resources available on Italian Pills can help you get familiar with the Italian language and Italian culture, but they won’t make you progress in your speaking fluency.

An Italian Pills alternative for the Italian language

If you want to improve your speaking skills with a focused and tailored program, Ripeti con me! Can be an alternative to Italian Pills.

Ripeti con me! is an audio course available on Think In Italian website, and it is completely focused on speaking practice.

The course includes a set of audio lessons where you listen to a native Italian speaker and repeat the sentence he says (after a short time interval).

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How to Learn Languages Fast

The time in between you hear the sentence and pronounce it allows you to process what you’ve heard and reformulate it. In this way, your brain has time to recall the information and you’ll remember it easily.

This approach allows you to retain new Italian words and learn how to speak in a more natural way than by just memorizing new information.

Learn more about Think In Italian courses.

Italian word of the day
Vive da solo, senza amici né parenti. Poverino!
He lives alone, without friends nor relatives. Poor guy!
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One Response

  1. Wow, I’ve always wanted to improve my speaking skills in Italian! This sounds like a great alternative to traditional methods. Can’t wait to try it out!

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