How to Say “Food” in Italian

Key Takeaways

Embark on a delicious linguistic journey with our guide to Italian food vocabulary! From “cibo” to “dolce,” learn the essential terms to savor Italy’s culinary culture and speak like a local foodie. 🍝🍷

  • Cibo is your go-to word for “food” in Italian. Use it when you’re drooling over a menu or chatting about your love for Italian dishes. Example: “Amo il cibo piccante” means “I love spicy food.”
  • Feeling fancy? Alimento is a more formal term for “food,” perfect for impressing your foodie friends or when discussing nutrition. Example: “Gli alimenti biologici sono sempre più popolari” translates to “Organic foods are becoming more popular.”
  • For a poetic touch, vivanda is an old-school word that brings a sense of abundance and pleasure to the table. Though not common, it’s a gem for literary buffs!
  • Mangiare isn’t just a verb; it’s also slang for “food.” It’s casual and versatile, just like your favorite pair of jeans. Example: “Che mangiamo stasera?” means “What are we eating tonight?”
  • Discover the structure of Italian meals with terms like primo piatto (first course) and antipasto (appetizer). They’re your roadmap to navigating a traditional Italian feast.
  • Don’t forget dolce for that sweet ending to your meal. Whether it’s gelato or tiramisu, it’s the cherry on top of your Italian dining experience.
  • Vino is essential in Italian dining, and not just for the taste. It’s about the culture and pairing the perfect glass with your meal. Example: “Per il pesce, consiglio un bianco fresco come il Vermentino” – “For fish, I recommend a fresh white wine like Vermentino.”
  • Embrace the Italian way of life by learning these terms and using them to connect with the culture. It’s not just about eating; it’s about sharing and enjoying life. 🥂

My Thoughts

Discover how to say “food” in Italian and improve your vocabulary with this beginner’s guide. Learn essential phrases and pronunciation tips.


Are you a food lover planning a trip to Italy or learning Italian cuisine? Knowing the right words for food and related terms can enhance your gastronomic experiences and cultural understanding.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the different ways to say “food” in Italian and provide examples of how to use them in context.

La cucina italiana: the art of food in Italy

Italy is famous for its rich culinary heritage, which reflects its diverse regions, history, and ingredients. Italian cuisine is not just about pizza and pasta but also includes a variety of seafood, meats, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, wines, and desserts.

Italians take pride in their food culture and have many rituals, traditions, and rules that govern their eating habits. For example, they usually have a small breakfast, a big lunch, and a light dinner, and they avoid drinking cappuccino after noon or mixing cheese with seafood.

They also appreciate the quality, freshness, and simplicity of ingredients, and often use them in traditional recipes that have been passed down for generations.

The basic word for “food” in Italian: Cibo

The most common and general word for “food” in Italian is cibo, which is masculine and singular. You can use cibo in various contexts, such as ordering food at a restaurant, talking about food preferences, or discussing food-related topics. For example:

  • Vorrei ordinare del cibo italiano. (I’d like to order some Italian food.)
  • Amo il cibo piccante. (I love spicy food.)
  • La cucina italiana è famosa per la varietà di cibo. (Italian cuisine is famous for its variety of food.)

Synonyms and related words for “food” in Italian

While cibo is the most common word for “food” in Italian, there are also other synonyms and related words that can add nuance or specificity to your language. Here are some examples:

1. Alimento: This is a more formal and scientific word for “food,” which refers to any substance that nourishes the body. Alimento is also used in compound words such as alimentazione (nutrition) or alimento per animali (animal feed).

Example: Gli alimenti biologici sono sempre più popolari. (Organic foods are becoming more popular.)

2. Vivanda: This is an old-fashioned and poetic word for “food,” which has a connotation of pleasure and abundance. Vivanda is not commonly used in modern Italian, but you may encounter it in literature or songs.

Example: L’abbondanza di vivande sulla tavola era un segno di ospitalità. (The abundance of food on the table was a sign of hospitality.)

3. Mangiare: This is a verb that means “to eat,” but can also be used as a noun to mean “food” in a casual or slangy way. Mangiare is often combined with other words to describe specific types of food or meals, such as street food (cibo da strada) or junk food (cibo spazzatura).

Example: Che mangiamo stasera? (What are we eating tonight?)

4. Cibaria: This is a rare and archaic word for “food,” which is usually used in a religious or poetic context. Cibaria comes from the Latin word cibus, which means “nourishment.”

Example: Dio provvederà alla cibaria dei suoi fedeli. (God will provide for the food of his faithful.)

Some common food-related terms in Italian

Besides the basic words for “food,” there are many other food-related terms in the Italian language that you can learn to expand your vocabulary and express your food preferences or experiences more accurately.

Here are some common food-related terms in Italian, along with their meanings and examples:

1. Primo Piatto: This refers to the first course of a meal, usually soup, pasta, or rice dish. Italians often have a primo piatto before the secondo piatto (second course), which is a meat or fish dish.

Example: Per il primo piatto, ordino sempre gli spaghetti alle vongole. (For the first course, I always order spaghetti with clams.)

2. Antipasto: This is a starter or appetizer that can include various cold or hot dishes such as cured meats, cheeses, olives, bruschetta, or seafood. Antipasto literally means “before the meal.”

Example: L’antipasto misto è perfetto da condividere con gli amici. (The mixed antipasto is perfect for sharing with friends.)

3. Insalata:  Depending on the ingredients and quantity, this salad can either be a side dish or a main course. Salata can contain cheese, nuts, fruits, or meat in addition to lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and other vegetables.

Example: Per l’estate, mi piace mangiare un’insalata di pomodori e mozzarella. (For the summer, I like to eat a tomato and mozzarella salad.)

4. Dolce: This is a dessert or sweet course, which can range from cakes, pastries, and gelato to fruits, nuts, and chocolates. Dolce can also be used as an adjective to describe something sweet or pleasant.

Example: Dopo il pranzo, prendiamo un dolce al bar. (After lunch, let’s have dessert at the bar.)

5. Vino: This is wine, which is an important part of Italian cuisine and culture. Italy produces a wide variety of wines, such as Chianti, Barolo, Prosecco, and Brunello di Montalcino, which can be paired with different foods and occasions.

Vino can also refer to other alcoholic drinks, such as beer (birra) or spirits (liquori). Example: Per il pesce, consiglio un bianco fresco come il Vermentino. (For the fish, I recommend a fresh white wine like Vermentino.)

6. Pane: This is bread, which is a staple food in Italy and is often served with meals. The pane can come in different shapes and textures, such as ciabatta, focaccia, or grissini.

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Pane can also be used in expressions such as fare la scarpetta (literally “to make the little shoe”), which means to mop up the sauce with bread. Example: Questo pane toscano è croccante fuori e morbido dentro. (This Tuscan bread is crispy outside and soft inside.)

7. Formaggio: This is cheese, which is another important ingredient and product in Italian cuisine. Italy has many types of cheese, such as Parmigiano Reggiano, mozzarella, gorgonzola, and pecorino, which can be eaten on their own or used in recipes.

Formaggio can also be paired with fruit or honey, or grated over pasta. Example: Mi piace il formaggio stagionato con la marmellata di fichi. (I like aged cheese with fig jam.)

Buon appetite!

Learning the words for “food” in Italian and related terms can help you navigate the rich and diverse world of Italian cuisine and culture. From cibo to dolce, from primo piatto to formaggio, Italian food offers something for everyone’s taste.

Whether you’re ordering at a restaurant, shopping at a market, or cooking at home, knowing these words can make your experience more enjoyable and authentic.

Additionally, Italian food is not just about the ingredients and flavours but also about the social and emotional aspects of eating. Italians often gather around the table to share meals, stories, and laughter, and food is seen as a way to express love, hospitality, and identity.

By learning the language of Italian food, you can also connect with the people and culture behind it.

So next time you’re in Italy or eating Italian food, try using some of these words and phrases to impress your companions and savor the culinary delights. Start your Italian lessons now to know more about Italian culture once you visit Italy. Buon Appetito!

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