Converse like a native with your personal AI tutor

Master real-world Italian conversations through a personalized AI tutor that adapts to you.

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Stefano Lodola
Course author, polyglot, AI tutor
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Tailored to you

Enjoy a curriculum that adapts to your personality and interests, making every lesson feel like it was made just for you.

The AI tutor dynamically adjusts the difficulty of your conversations, ensuring you’re consistently challenged but never overwhelmed.

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Never get stuck

The AI tutor’s suggestions help you express yourself naturally and keep the conversation going.

Receive immediate feedback on your grammar and pronunciation to correct mistakes on the spot.

Never get lost with bilingual transcripts.

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High-tech, hassle-free

Leverage cutting-edge speech recognition, speech synthesis, and conversational AI in an interface so intuitive, you’ll forget you’re using advanced technology.

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