Adverbs formed from adjectives: Italian grammar lesson 74


Get ready to spice up your Italian with some adverb magic! 🌟 This guide will show you how to effortlessly turn adjectives into adverbs, so you can express yourself more vividly in la bella lingua. Plus, we’ll unlock the secrets of sentence placement and comparison mastery!

  • Adverb Formation 101: Just like adding “-ly” in English, Italian adjectives become adverbs with a simple twist. Add “-mente” to the feminine form, and you’re golden!
  • Keep It Feminine: Got an adjective ending in “-a” or “-o”? Flip it to its feminine form, slap on “-mente“, and watch it transform into an adverb. Lenta becomes lentamente (slowly)!
  • Don’t Stress the “-e”: If your adjective ends in “-e”, it’s chill time. Just add “-mente” to the singular form. Felice? More like felicemente (happily)!
  • Drop the “e” for “-le” and “-re”: When you spot “-le” or “-re” at the end, ditch the “e” before adding “-mente“. Gentile turns into gentilmente (kindly). Easy peasy!
  • Adverb Placement: Wondering where to put those shiny new adverbs? After the verb is their sweet spot. Luca parla educatamente (Luca speaks politely) – sounds just right!
  • Flexibility for Emphasis: Want to emphasize your whole sentence? Kick it off with an adverb or tack it on the end for dramatic effect. Veramente, non ti stavo ascoltando (Frankly, I wasn’t listening to you).

My thoughts

Adverbs formed from adjectives: An introduction

Many Italian adverbs are formed from adjectives.

This happens in English as well: many adjectives can be transformed into adverbs by adding the suffix “-ly”, as in “sure” (adjective) → “surely” (adverb), “slow” (adjective) → “slowly” (adverb), etc.

Adverbs formed from adjectives: Conjugation

Forming adverbs from adjectives in Italian is pretty straightforward. There are only three rules concerning their conjugation:

  • For adjectives that end in -a/-o for their singular form:

We simply add the suffix “-mente” to the adjective feminine singular form


  1. lento/ f. lenta (slow – adjective) → Lentamente (slowly – adverb)
  2. m. certo/ certa (sure – adjective) → certamente (surely – adverb)
  3. m. raro/ rara (rare – adjective) → raramente (rarely – adverb)
  • For adjectives that end in -e for their singular form:

We simply add the suffix “-mente” to the adjective singular form


m./f. felice (happy – adjective) → felicemente (happily – adverb)

m./f. forte (strong – adjective) → fortemente (strongly – adverb)

m./f. veloce (fast – adjective) → velocemente (fast – adverb)

  • For adjectives that end with the syllable -le, -la, –re, or -ra:

We eliminate the last “e” and add the suffix “-mente”:


m./f. gentile (kind – adjective) → gentilmente (kindly – adverb)

m./f. abile (skillful – adjective) → abilmente (skillfully – adverb)

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m. leggero/ leggera (light – adjective) → leggermente (lightly – adverb)

Adverbs formed from adjectives: Rules

Where are Italian adverbs positioned inside a sentence?

Let’s take a look at some examples:

Luca parla educatamente.

Luca speaks politely.

Sto mangiando lentamente perché sono quasi pieno.

I’m eating slowly because I’m almost full.

Loro vanno raramente in palestra.

They rarely go to the gym.

  • When they refer to the whole meaning of a sentence, they can go at the beginning or at the end of that sentence:

Veramente, non ti stavo ascoltando.

Frankly, I wasn’t listening to you.

Chiaramente, non hai capito niente!

Clearly, you didn’t understand anything!

Faccio esercizio fisico regolarmente.

I exercise regularly.

Practice with Quizlet

Here's a set of flashcards and quizzes to practice this grammar topic.

How to make comparisons

You can make comparisons with either names or adjectives.

Check out this lesson on how to make comparisons in Italian.

How do you turn adjectives into adverbs in Italian?

To turn adjectives into adverbs in Italian you simply add the suffix “-mente” to the adjective.

What are adverbs in Italian?

Adverbs in Italian (gli avverbi) are really useful - they help to modify, clarify, qualify, and quantify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

How do you use adverbs in Italian?

In Italian, adverbs usually come after the main verb. If you're dealing with a compound verb, just place the adverb in between the auxiliary and main verb!

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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