What does “pure” mean?: Italian Grammar Lesson 125


Dive into the versatile world of the Italian word pure! This guide unpacks its multiple meanings, from ‘also’ to ‘even’, and teaches you how to use it to add politeness to your commands. Plus, get the scoop on its variants like eppure and oppure.

  • Also & Too: Pure is your go-to for inclusivity in Italian, just like ‘also’ or ‘too’ in English. Use it to add someone or something else into the mix. “Vieni pure tu?” means “Are you coming too?” 😉
  • Even: When you’re aiming for emphasis, pure can be your dramatic ‘even’. “Vuole pure andare in India” translates to “She even wants to go to India.” Drama, drama, drama! 🎭
  • Politeness: Italians might skip the ‘please’ but they’re not rude! Slap pure after a command to soften it. “Siediti pure.” is a friendly “Please, have a seat.” 🪑
  • And Yet: Eppure brings the twist in a tale. It’s your “and yet” or “even though” when the unexpected happens. “Non volevo venire eppure sono venuto.” – “I didn’t want to come and yet, here I am.” 🤷‍♂️
  • Or: Decisions, decisions! Oppure is an emphatic ‘or’ to weigh your options. “Vuoi la pizza oppure la pasta?” – “Do you want pizza or pasta?” 🍕🍝
  • Not Even: When you’re in the ‘neither’ camp, neppure is your word. “Neppure io riesco a dormire” means “I can’t sleep either.” Welcome to the insomniac club. 😴

My thoughts

What pure means in Italian?

Pure is a very common word among Italian speakers. It’s also a very interesting one because, like many other Italian words, it has different meanings depending on the context.

In the first place, pure is a synonym of anche (also). In fact, pureand ancheare a bit like also and too.

Pure can also mean even. And it can be used in a very specific case that has to do with politeness.

There are variants of pure, like eppure, oppure and neppure.

But don’t worry about what they mean for now. We’ll go into more detail later on in this post.

When does pure mean also and even?

As we said, pure can mean also and even.

Let’s have a look at some examples:

Io vado in montagna, vieni pure tu?

I’m going to the mountain. Are you coming too?

Voglio comprare delle scarpe e pure degli stivali.

I want to buy sneakers and also boots.

Pure Serena ha finito di mangiare.

Serena finished eating too.

Vuole andare dappertutto. Vuole pure andare in India.

She wants to go everywhere. She even wants to go to India.

Credi pure che ti perdonerò?

Do you even think I’m going to forgive you?

When does pure mean go ahead?

In Italian, we like to give orders, but this doesn’t make us less polite than English speakers. In fact, it’s ok to give orders without saying please in Italian. Instead, we might say pure if we want to sound more friendly.

We use pure after an imperative (like “go!” or “eat!”) to make the order warmer and more polite.

In this specific case, it means something like “go ahead!”.

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Have a look at the examples below:

Siediti pure.

Go ahead and sit down. = Please, have a seat.

Si accomodi pure.

Go ahead and make yourself comfortable.  = Please, make yourself comfortable.

Dimmi pure! Che succede?

Go ahead and tell me! What happens? = Please, tell me! What happens?

How to use eppure, oppure, neppure?

As we said, there are other words that have the word pure inside.

Here are their translations:

  • Eppure: and yet, even though
  • Oppure: a more emphatic way of saying “or”
  • Neppure: not even, nor, neither, not… either

Let’s now have a look at some examples:

Non volevo venire eppure sono venuto.

I didn’t want to come, and yet I’m here.

Vuoi la pizza oppure la pasta?

Do you want pizza or pasta?

Neppure io riesco a dormire.

I can not sleep either.

Learn more about Italian Word Invece.

How to use "pure" to give orders?

We use pure after an imperative to give an order and make it warmer and more polite.

What is the meaning of "eppure"?

And yet, even though.

What is the meaning of "neppure"?

Not even, nor, neither, not… either.

What is the meaning of "oppure"?

A more emphatic way of saying “or”.

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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