How to use “si vede che”: Italian grammar lesson 118


Unlock the nuances of Italian conversation with our dive into the versatile phrase si vede che. Discover how to convey clarity, assumptions, and evident truths like a native speaker!

  • Literal Translation: Get to grips with si vede che meaning “one can see that” or “it is clear that,” perfect for stating the obvious or what’s visually apparent. 🤓
  • Expressing Evidence: Use si vede che when something is as plain as day. It’s like saying “evidently” or “clearly” when the signs are all there. 👀
  • Assumption Game: When you’re piecing clues together, si vede che becomes your “I assume” or “it must be that.” It’s your go-to for educated guesses. 🕵️‍♂️
  • Spotting the Invisible: Even if you can’t literally see it, si vede che helps you express what’s likely or probable. It’s like saying “probably” without committing. 🤷‍♀️
  • Hypothesis Helper: Crafting a hypothesis? Si vede che is your ally in suggesting possible scenarios or outcomes based on what you know. 🧐

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What is si vede che in Italian?

The Italian impersonal expression si vede che can be used with many different meanings.

In this lesson, we will see what it means and how to use it correctly in a sentence.

Let’s start with some examples:

Si vede che vai in palestra, sei proprio in forma!

One can see that you go to the gym, you’re in great shape!

Si vede che non sono usciti, sennò ci avrebbero chiamato.

Evidently, they did not go out, otherwise, they’d have called us.

Perché non è arrivata Giulia?
Non so, si vede che ha perso il treno…

Why did Giulia not arrive?
I don’t know, I assume that she missed the train…

As you can see from the examples above, si vede che is an impersonal expression that can mean, quite literally:

  • one can see that
  • it is clear that
  • evidently or clearly
  • one can assume or it must be that

Let’s see these meanings in more detail!

How to use si vede che?

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As we just mentioned, si vede che can be used in Italian to talk about something that is clear to the eyes, that we literally can see.

Si vede che quest’orologio è più caro dell’altro.

One can see that this watch is more expensive than the other one.

Si vede che mi sono truccata?

Can you see that I put make up on?

Non si vede che sei stanca, sei bellissima!

I can’t tell you’re tired, you look beautiful!

What are other meanings of si vede che?

Sometimes, si vede che can be used to indicate that something is evident or likely, even if we do not actually see it.

Giorgio non è venuto, si vede che è stanco.

Giorgio did not come,  he’s probably tired.

I miei non rispondono, si vede che sono usciti.

My parents are not answering, evidently they went out.

In this case, as you can see, si vede che is used slightly differently: it describes something as being possible, likely or evident based on the information that we have.

Similarly, it can also be interpreted as one can assume that and therefore be used to make assumptions and hypotheses about a situation.

Perché non hanno consegnato il progetto?
Non so, si vede che non hanno avuto tempo.

Why didn’t they hand in the project?
I don’t know, I guess they didn’t have time.

What does "si vede che" mean?

"Si vede che" can have two meanings. One is something that is clear to the eyes and the other one, something as being possible, likely or evident based on the information that we have.

How can "si vede che" can be translated?

As one can see that, it is clear that, evidently or clearly, or one can assume or it must be that.

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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