How to use “ogni volta che”: Italian grammar lesson 89

Key Takeaways

Unlock the charm of Italian with our lesson on the phrase “ogni volta che”, meaning “every time that”. Master this expression to add a touch of fluency to your conversations and understand its use in various tenses!

  • Grasp the Basics: “Ogni volta che” is your go-to phrase for “every time that” in Italian. It’s a must-know for sounding like a native, so don’t skip it! 😉
  • Don’t Drop the “Che”: Remember, in Italian, you can’t ditch the “che”. It’s the glue that holds the sentence together, so keep it in there to avoid sounding like a newbie!
  • Flexibility in Placement: Mix it up! Place “ogni volta che” at the start or end of your sentence for variety. It’s like choosing the perfect accessory for your outfit – it always fits!
  • Match the Tense: Whether you’re chatting about the past, present, or future, “ogni volta che” has got your back. Just pair it with the right verb tense, and you’re golden!
  • Complete the Thought: Don’t leave your listeners hanging! After dropping an “ogni volta che”, always follow up with a second clause to finish off your thought with a punch.

My Thoughts

What does ogni volta che mean in Italian?

Ogni is a very common and versatile word in Italian. It might mean each, every, and all.

In today’s lesson, we’re going to learn an expression with ogni: ogni volta che, which translates as every time that.

In English, we can just ignore the word “that,” but in Italian, we have to say che, otherwise, the sentence sounds incomplete.

Have a look at the example below:

Ogni volta che guardo quel film mi emoziono.

Every time I watch that movie, I get emotional.

This expression can go either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

For instance, if we take the example above, we could also say:

Mi emoziono ogni volta che guardo quel film.

I get emotional every time I watch that movie.

What is the structure of ogni volta che?

As you can see, the structure is quite simple: ogni volta che + verb.

This verb can be in the present, past, or future tense.

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Also, the sentence is made of two parts, like in English. You cannot just say ogni volta che guardo quel film, and that’s it.

You need to complete it with another clause.

Ogni volta che: examples

Now, let’s look at some examples in the past, present, and future:

Ogni volta che andavo in vacanza là mi divertivo.

Every time I would go there on holiday, I would have fun.

Sporco tutta la cucina ogni volta che cucino.

I get the kitchen dirty every time I cook.

Io ci sarò ogni volta che avrai bisogno di me.

I will be there every time you’ll need me.

What does "ogni volta che" mean?

"Ogni volta che" means every time that.

What is the structure of "ogni volta che"?

Ogni volta che + verb in present, past, or future tense.

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