Italian words

Discover the most commonly used Italian slang words in everyday life with our comprehensive list. Impress your Italian friends with your new vocabulary! If you’re planning to travel to Italy,...
Origin and Etymology of Pronto The word pronto comes from the Italian verb prontare, which means “to prepare” or “to make ready.” The word first appeared in the Italian language in the...
Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our top 5 ‘Italian Word of the Day services. Elevate your language skills effortlessly! Learn an Italian Word Every Day Why should you learn a...
Good in Italian: translation and examples There are actually 4 Italian words for “good”, depending on how you’re going to use it. English speakers use “good” as: An adjective, i.e.,...
In Italy, bellissimo is often used in everyday life. And if you’re just getting started with the Italian language, we can use it to talk about some grammatical forms you...
Depending on who’s saying it, “ti amo” may be the phrase you want to hear the most or the least in the world. Two very powerful words, aren’t they? They’re...
If you have a fondness for sugary foods such as chocolate, cakes, and sweets, you should immediately add the adjective dolce to your Italian lexicon. The meaning of dolce in italian...
If you’re planning a trip abroad, you should always know how to ask for food and drink in the local language. So, today’s post will be about how to say...
Andiamo! If you ever go to Italy, you may often hear this interjection – especially in the North. It is mostly used as a sort of exhortation, but what does...
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