Irregular imperfect tense: Italian grammar lesson 84


Dive into the quirks of Italian with our guide on the irregular imperfect tense, imperfetto irregolare. You’ll master verbs like essere and fare, and learn when to use this tense to paint vivid past narratives.

  • Irregular Imperfect Basics: The imperfetto irregolare is the go-to for past habits or ongoing actions. It’s like setting the scene in a vintage Italian movie. 🎬
  • Memorize the Oddballs: While most verbs play nice with regular patterns, verbs like essere and fare are the rebels. Get these bad boys locked down! 😎
  • Setting the Scene: Use the irregular imperfect to describe the backdrop of your past tales. It’s like saying, “It was a dark and stormy night…” but in Italian. 🌩️
  • Storytelling Gold: When you’re narrating a story, the irregular imperfect is your paintbrush for illustrating continuous past actions. It’s all about the ambiance. 🖌️
  • Action Interruptions: Got a sudden event crashing your ongoing action? Pair the imperfetto with passato prossimo to show that contrast. It’s like a plot twist in your sentence structure. 📉
  • While in Rome: Use mentre (while) to introduce simultaneous actions. It’s like saying, “While I sipped espresso, life buzzed around me.” ☕🐝

My thoughts

What is the irregular imperfect in Italian?

The imperfetto is one of the most commonly used past tenses in Italian, together with  passato prossimo.

It is often used to express a continued and prolonged action or a habit that happened in the past.

Luckily, most Italian verbs present a regular conjugation for the imperfetto tense, but there are still some exceptions.

Some commonly used verbs have slightly different endings for this tense. And as usual, this means that it is very useful to memorize them.

Here is the conjugation for a few frequently used irregular verbs:

  • essere (to be)
  • fare (to do or make)
  • dire (to say)
  • bere (to drink)





io ero facevo dicevo bevevo
tu eri facevi dicevi bevevi
lui era faceva diceva beveva
noi eravamo facevamo dicevamo bevevamo
voi eravate facevate dicevate bevevate
loro erano facevano dicevano bevevano
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When to use the irregular imperfect?

The imperfetto irregolare  is used in the same situations for which the imperfetto regolare is used in Italian:

  1. To describe a habit in the past (something that used to happen routinely in the past):

Da bambino ero molto magro.

When I was a kid, I used to be very skinny.

In passato bevevo almeno 5 caffè al giorno. Ora non ne bevo più.

In the past, I used to drink at least 5 coffees a day. Now I don’t drink coffee anymore.

Mia mamma mi diceva sempre: “Guida piano!”

My mom used to tell me: “Drive slowly!”

  1. To describe an ongoing situation or state in the past which happened over a continuous or unspecified period of time.
    In this sense, it is often used in storytelling to set or describe a scene.

Ieri faceva freddo.

Yesterday the weather was cold.

C’era una volta una strega cattiva….

Once upon a time, there was an evil witch…

Il nonno era bellissimo da giovane!

Grandpa was very handsome when he was younger!

  1. When describing two past actions happening at the same time, we use the imperfetto for the ongoing “background” action, and we use the passato prossimo for the “interrupting” action, which happened for a shorter period of time.
    In this situation, the imperfetto is often introduced by mentre (while).

Mentre facevo la doccia, qualcuno ha bussato alla porta.

While I was taking a shower, someone knocked.

Luisa beveva il caffè quando improvvisamente si è sentita male.

Luisa was drinking her coffee when suddenly she started feeling sick.

Si sono addormentati mentre facevano i compiti.

They fell asleep while they were doing their homework.

What is the irregular imperfect in Italian?

The imperfect is used to express a continued and prolonged action or a habit that happened in the past. It's irregular when the verbs have slightly different endings.

When to use the irregular imperfect?

In three cases: to describe a past habit, to describe an ongoing situation in the past which happened over a continuous or unspecified period of time, and to describe two past actions happening at the same time (the imperfetto is introduced by "mentre" and the passato prossimo is also used).

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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    1. Hi Barry, thank you for your feedback about the new voices. We’re always looking to improve our courses and your input is valuable. We understand that changes can take some getting used to. We hope that with time, you’ll find the new voices helpful in your language learning journey. If you have any other concerns or suggestions, please feel free to share. We’re here to help!

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