Future tense + “anche”: Italian grammar lesson 80


Unlock the secrets of Italian with a twist! 🌀 Dive into the unexpected use of the future tense combined with anche to express contradiction and resolve in the beautiful Italian language. It’s not just about the future anymore!

  • Contradiction is key: Use sarà anche when you’re sure about something but still hold a contrasting belief. It’s like saying, “Sure, that’s true, but don’t count on changing my mind!” 🔄
  • Third person’s the charm: The magic often happens with sarà (third person singular of essere). It’s like the Italian’s go-to for a subtle nudge of “Yeah, maybe, but no.” 🤷‍♂️
  • It’s not just about being nice: Sarà anche simpatico translates to “He might even be nice,” but it’s really a polite Italian way of saying, “Not my cup of tea, thanks.” ☕️
  • Truth with a twist: Saying sarà anche vero is less about the truth and more about the trust issues that follow. It’s the Italian drama in a nutshell. 🎭
  • Weather or not: Farà anche bello might be about the weather, but it’s really an Italian’s excuse to stay in and binge-watch their favorite show. 📺
  • Book smart vs. street smart: Leggerà anche tanto might acknowledge someone’s reading habits, but it’s a sly dig at their real-world smarts. 📚 vs. 🌍
  • Messy can be beautiful: La mia stanza sarà anche disordinata is your Italian way of owning your creative chaos. It’s not messy; it’s lived-in art. 🎨
  • Friendship limits: Saremo anche amici shows that even in Italy, friendship has its boundaries. Forgive, forget, or “fuggedaboutit” – Italian style. 🚫🤝

My thoughts

What is future tense + anche in Italian?

Did you know in Italian we use the future tense even if we’re not talking about the future?

More precisely, in some cases we use the following structure:  future + anche + sentence.

Let’s have a look at a sentence for you to understand when we use it. We’ll give you a literal translation together with a sentence that makes more sense:

Lei sarà anche intelligente, ma non mi convince.

She will also be intelligent, but she doesn’t convince me.
Even though she’s intelligent, I’m not convinced.

Of course, the literal translation sounds very odd because in English we don’t use the future in this kind of case.

In English, we would use one of the following structures instead:

  • It might even be…, but
  • Even though it might be…
  • Even if it might be…
  • Despite the fact that…
  • In spite of the fact that…

When to use future tense + anche?

We basically use this structure when we want to link two phrases that somehow contradict each other.

For instance, we might be pretty certain about something but we still think something quite different or the opposite.

In other words, we won’t change our minds, no matter how certain the fact we just mentioned is.

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Just so you know, we mainly use the third person singular of the verb essere (to be) in the future: sarà, followed by anche, just as the example below:

Sarà anche simpatico, ma non mi piace.

He might even be nice, but I don’t fancy him.

Future + anche: examples

Here are some more examples for you to understand better.

Analyze each sentence to understand the link between the two phrases. And try to see how else you could translate the sentences.

Sarà anche vero ma ormai non mi fido più di lei.

Even though it might be true, I don’t trust her anymore.

Farà anche bello, ma non voglio uscire.

It might even be a nice day, but I don’t want to go out.

Leggerà anche tanto, ma non è intellettuale.

He might even read a lot, but he’s not intellectual.

La mia stanza sarà anche disordinata, ma è bellissima.

Despite the fact that my room is messy, it’s still beautiful.

Saremo anche amici ma non riesco a perdonarlo.

In spite of the fact that we’re friends, I’m not able to forgive him.

How can the structure future tense + "anche" be translated in English?

As it might even be but, even though it might be, even if it might be, despite the fact that, and in spite of the fact that.

When to use future tense + "anche"?

When we want to link two phrases that somehow contradict each other.

What is the structure of future tense + "anche"?

The third person singular of the verb essere (to be) in the future: sarà, followed by anche.

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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