FluentU Italian alternative (works better for speaking practice)


Dive into the world of Italian with a fresh perspective! Discover why FluentU might not be your go-to for speaking practice and explore a compelling alternative that promises to get you chatting like a local.

  • Visual Learning: FluentU caters to visual learners with its video-based approach, but it might not suit everyone’s style.
  • Speaking Practice: If you’re itching to parlare (speak), FluentU falls short. No direct speaking or pronunciation exercises can be a deal-breaker.
  • Authenticity: The robotic voices from text-to-speech can be a turn-off. You want to sound like a native, not a machine, right?
  • Think in Italian: This FluentU alternative is a game-changer with its focus on audio lessons and speaking practice that mimic real conversations.
  • Structured Learning: With lessons that reveal grammar patterns and build vocabulary, you’re not just learning, you’re thinking in Italian!

Ready to chat up a storm in Italian? Check out the course that’s all about getting you to confidently converse!

My thoughts

FluentU Italian

FluentU is a language-learning platform that offers subtitled video lessons in a variety of languages.

It makes learning a new language as easy as watching a movie.

You will learn languages through watching videos in many genres such as music videos, ads, movie clips, interviews, and many more.

Then there are quizzes under the videos page that you can take to help you practice Italian.

FluentU is an effective platform that encourages language learners to learn by watching a wide variety of videos.

FluentU is a good option for learning Italian if you are a visual learner and enjoy watching authentic videos.

What’s wrong with FluentU

One of the most significant issues with FluentU is a lack of speaking practice. There is no option to practice pronunciation or dialogue on the site.

It’s more mechanical memorization-based, which doesn’t always end in fluency.

In addition, most of the sample sentences and tests in FluentU, rely too heavily on text-to-speech technologies.

This results in an artificial and off-putting robotic-sounding voice.

Some quiz questions include short videos that you can click on to hear a native speaker, although many of the robotic videos will still play automatically.

FluentU alternative for the Italian language

If you want to learn Italian and you’re looking for a FluentU alternative, “Think in Italian” is the course you need.

This Italian course features Italian audio lessons and short readings that will prompt you to speak.

fluentU Italian alternative

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With the audio lessons, you will be able to learn Italian by listening to native speakers and mimicking them.

They are not just random lessons but they are carefully structured in a way that will help you discover grammar patterns and retain new Italian vocabulary.

The course also offers bilingual audio readings with slow audio so you will be able to put speaking into context and make it fun by reading stories, news, real Italian conversations, and much more.

Learn more about this Italian course.

Italian word of the day
Hai voglia di fare una passeggiata?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
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One Response

  1. This sounds like a great option for improving my Italian speaking skills! I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks for sharing!

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